The first major use of military batteries is communications. The batteries used for communications alone account for 39% of the total mass of the battery, followed by night vision equipment and sighting equipment, and finally navigation and positioning equipment that consumes less power. As for the
Read MoreBoth tilt sensors and gyroscopes can be applied to satellite antennas, but they will be applied to different types. Satellite antennas can be divided into static communication and dynamic communication according to whether they are moving. Part of the static pass can be used with inclination sensors
Read MoreThe development direction of FPC connectors FPC connectors are mainly used in various digital communication products, portable electronic products, computer peripherals, measuring instruments, automotive electronics and other fields, and have become an indispensable part of most electronic
Read MoreThe Smartnoble Improved Spotting Scope | Optics allows recognition and identification of targets at long distances for U.S. troops executing precision ground engagements. A light and compact scope with powerful and bright optics, the Smartnoble has a 12-40x magnification with a 60mm objective l
Read MoreSN-TI-LRF-26 Hand-Held Multifunction Cooled Thermal Camera features a twin eye piece with variable interpupillary distance, providing comfortable viewing over longer periods of time. The picture in picture mode allows for a second magnified area, without reducing the field of view, which is
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