SMARTNOBLE Flywheel - Essential Satellite Component

SMARTNOBLE Flywheel - Essential Satellite Component

The SMARTNOBLE Flywheel, an integral component of advanced satellites, operates in counterproductive mode. With a rated output moment of 50mN·m at 6000rpm and a rated angular momentum of 2Nm·s, it ensures stable satellite performance. Achieve precise speed control with an accuracy of ±1rpm over 1000rpm, powered by a 28V supply voltage. This 3kg flywheel is a vital element for satellite systems.

SMARTNOBLE Flywheel for Satellites - Exceptional Stability and Control

With a rated output moment of 50mN·m at 6000rpm and a rated angular momentum of 2Nm·s, it guarantees impeccable satellite performance.
Operating mode Counterproductive
Rated output moment 50mN·m (rateds peed: 6000pm)
Rated angular momentum 2Nm·s(6000rpm)
Speed control accuracy ±1rpm(rev1000rpm)
Supply voltage 28V
Mass 3kg ± 0.5kg

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