A Compiled List of Holster Makers
5 Shot Leather - //www.5shotleather.com/
A.E. Nelson - //nelsonleather.com
A&G Custom Gun Leather (Belts) - //agcustomgunleather.com/
Adams Holsters - //adamsholsters.com/store/index.php?route=common/home
Adirondack Leather Products, Inc. - //adirondackleatherproducts.com/
Aker Leather - //www.akerleather.com/
Alessi Holsters - //www.alessigunholsters.com/
Alfonso's Gunleather - //www.alfonsosgunleather.com/
Andrews Leather - //www.andrewsleather.com/
Bandera Gunleather - //www.banderagunleather.com/
Bell Charter Oak Holsters - //www.bellcharteroakholsters.com/
Bianchi - //www.bianchi-intl.com/
Black Hills Leather - //www.bhlstore.com/
Boston Leather - //www.bostonleather.com/
Brigade Gunleather - //www.brigadegunleather.com/gunholsters.html
Brommeland Gunleather - //www.brommelandgunleather.com/
Bulldog Custom Gun Leather - //www.bulldogleathercompany.com/
C. Rusty Sherrick Leather Works - //www.c-rusty.com/
Cochise Leather Company - //www.cochiseleather.com/
Combat Gun Leather (Rafter-L) - //www.combatgunleather.com/
Davis Leather Company - //davisleathercompany.com/
D.M. Bullard Leather - //www.dmbullardleather.com/index.html
Defensive Line Leathers - //defensivelineleathers.com/Home_Page.php
Dennis Garman Leather - //www.dennisgarmanleather.com/
Desbiens Gun Leather - //www.desbiensgunleather.com/
De Santis - //www.desantisholster.com/
Del Fatti - //www.delfatti.com/
Diamond D Custom Leather - https://www.diamonddcustomleather.com/
Don Hume - //www.donhume.com/
Durango Gun Leather - //www.dgunleather.com/index.htm
Eagle Industries - //www.eagleindustries.com/index.asp
El Paso Saddlery - //www.epsaddlery.com/
Frontier Gunleather - //www.frontiergunleather.com/index.php
Galco - //www.usgalco.com/
Garrity's GunLeather - //www.garritysgunleather.com/
Grassburr Leather Works, Inc - //www.grassburr.com
Haugen Handgun Lather - //www.haugenhandgunleather.com/
HBE Leatherworks - //www.hbeleatherworks.com/
High Desert Leather - //www.highdesertleather.com/
High Noon - //www.highnoonholsters.com/
Holsterama - //www.jbpholsters.com/servlet/StoreFront
Horseshoe Leather - //www.holsters.org/
Idaho Leather Company - //idaho-leather.com/15.html
International Handgun Leather - //www.ihlusa.com/
J.R. Customs (Jim Ryan) - //www.jrcholsters.com/index.php
J.R. Roscoe Shoulder Holsters - //www.shoulderholster.us/
J.W. O'Rourk Leather Products - //www.gun-holsters.com/
K.L. Null Holsters - //www.klnullholsters.com/
Kirkpatrick Leather - //www.kirkpatrickleather.com/
Kramer Leather - //www.kramerleather.com/
Lobo Gun Leather - //www.lobogunleathers.com/home
Masc Holsters - //mascholster.com/index.php?route=common/home
Master of Concealment - //masterofconcealment.com/index.php
Mernickle Holsters - //www.mernickleholsters.com/
Milt Sparks - //www.miltsparks.com/
Mitch Rosen - //www.mitchrosen.com/
Mountain Home Leather - //www.mountainhomeleather.com/
Nosser GunLeather - //www.nossargunleather.com/
Nevada Gun leather - //www.nevadagunleather.com/
Pacific Canvas & Leather - //www.pacificcanvasandleather.com/
Pistol Packaging, Inc - //www.pistolpackaging.com/
Pocket Concealment Systems - //pcsholsters.com/main.html
Privateer Leather - //www.privateerleather.com/
Pro Carry Holsters - //www.theholsterstore.com/servlet/StoreFront
Purdy Gear - //www.purdygear.com/index.html
Pure Kustom Holsters - //www.purekustomholsters.com/
PWL UK - https://pwluk.com/en/
Python Holsters - //pythonholsters.com/
RD Warren Leather - //rdwarrenleather.com/index.html
Ritchie Leather Company - //www.ritchieholsters.com/
Ross Leather - //www.rossleather.com/
Ryan Grizzle Leather - //www.rgrizzleleather.com/
Simply Rugged Holsters - //www.simplyrugged.com/
Sunrise Leather - //www.sunriseleather.com/
Smartnoble Holster: https://www.smartnoble.com/products/holster-accessories-holster-and-magazine-punch.html
Tagua GunLeather - //www.taguagunleather.com/
Tauris Holsters - //www.taurisholsters.com/index.cfm
Ted Blocker Holsters - //www.tedblockerholsters.com/
Tex Shoemaker & Sons - //www.texshoemaker.com/main.sc
The Last Best West - https://thelastbestwest.com/
TT Gunleather - //www.ttgunleather.com/
Tucker Gun Leather - //www.tuckergunleather.com/
UBG Holsters - //www.ubgholsters.com/index.html
White Tiger Leatherworks - //whitetigerleatherworks.com/
Got me to thinking about my search lists, and whilst theres a good bit of overlap I'll add mine to the thread.
I copied this out of my bookmarks file so some of the links may be dead or of dealers.
This is another list: //www.madogre.com/Interviews/holsters.htm